10 Hugely Underrated 2013 Video Games

3. God Of War: Ascension

MetaCritic Score: 80 God of War: Ascension was the first game in the series to earn significant criticism for various elements, after the previous three games were widely acclaimed as some of the best titles on the PS2 and PS3. The bulk of the complaints were towards a less-refined feel than the previous games, a less compelling plot and a multiplayer mode that didn't necessarily feel like it belonged in the franchise. Also, the infamous Trial of Archimedes section late in the game was called out as being too difficult by many critics. I have to say, I expected the Trial of Archimedes to be so challenging that I flat out laughed out loud when I completed it on just my second attempt. I think those who found it too hard need to play on a lower difficulty or get some more practice in. Though I will concede that the game had more visual glitches than any of the other titles in the series, I found the multiplayer component to be a welcome addition, and something I hope to see them expand upon in the inevitable God of War IV on the PS4.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.