10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

8. Shenmue III

Shenmue 3
YS Net

The main reason this will disappoint comes down to an inevitable delay, as there's no way in hell YS Net could develop a full Shenmue game in just over two years.

The project first got off the ground following the announcement of a Kickstarter at E3 2015, yet since then we've had a handful of screenshots and nothing else. Thing is, it's been 15/17 years since the last two Shenmue games - titles whose appeal was largely routed in making gigantic overly-interactive sandbox worlds, replete with contextual actions for everything from feeding cats to picking up pamphlets.

Many of these things have been refined or ditched over time as the open-world formula was slowly perfected, meaning that the very idea of what Shenmue 'is' will have to change - or be stuck in its old ways, alienating all but the most hardcore fans in the process.

It's damned if it does, damned if it doesn't.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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