10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

6. Resident Evil VII

Resident evil 7

I KNOW, I know... but just hear me out, because there are some pretty big issues with RE VII that you can guarantee will only surface after launch.

Firstly, the project is unapologetically targeting the P.T. crowd, as after Konami cancelled their reboot of Silent Hills, there's been a substantial gap in the market for a first-person corridor-crawler. As such, we've got a ton of environmental design being put into rendering the Baker family mansion, but only minimal time spent fleshing out their various animations, or the story itself.

If you watch any of the actual gameplay footage and not the guided, "Creeping slowly through the corridor" stuff, each Baker - especially the axe-swinging father, Jack - animates pretty terribly, ambling towards you before noticeably shifting into their attack pose, before flailing in your general direction until you either run or die.

It's definitely high-time Resi made a comeback, and it is good to see them take a new tone with a numbered instalment, but this feels more like something that was created between 2014 and now, as oppose to a deliberate direction they've had for any longer.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

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