10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

7. Crackdown III

crackdown 3 iii

At this stage, I wouldn't be surprised if Crackdown is next on Microsoft's chopping block, as they've established with Scalebound that going into 2017, they're trimming the fat for the year ahead.

Let's assume the project is stable though, so far the biggest selling point has been - and stop me if you've heard this one before - 'destructible environments', with the new-age twist being that all the game's computations are handled in 'the Cloud'.

Honestly, the project feels born out of Microsoft's initial pitch for the Xbox One, and the idea that - somehow - the system would render background detail over a server connection, letting the hardware focus on your character's actions.

It's as baffling to read as it was to hear in the first place, and as we're yet to see any clarification or like, a gameplay demo, the months just tick on by, prepping us for an inevitable disappointment.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.