10 Hyped 2017 Video Games That Will Definitely Disappoint You

2. Final Fantasy VII Remake

final fantasy VII
Square Enix

The one game that even Square said they'd never remake. It used to be that FF VII was sacrosanct, the idea of remaking it only showing that Square Enix had no fresh ideas - and that was before you factor in the logistics of taking a multi-disc PS1 game and rebuilding it for all-new hardware.

Still, they're attempting to do so, yet the first newsworthy item to emerge was that the game would be episodic, would change 'minor' plot elements, and would completely revamp the combat. And if that means we're getting more 'hold the button and hope for the best' XV-type stuff, you can count me - and any old-school fan - out.

There's a reason FF VII is held in such high regard, and even if you 'needed' to go back and redo such a thing, Square could've done with taking a page out of Nintendo's book when they remade Ocarina of Time: We need reskins and visual touch-ups, not 'modernisations' and reworked story elements.

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