10 Iconic Video Game Influences You'll Find In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
2. Hitman

The influence isn't entirely obvious from the outset, but this one is all about timing and emergent gameplay opportunities. With Hitman, unexpected elements can combine together to make the weird, the wacky and the wonderful happen in the world of paid-for murder.
Zelda lets players sneak up on enemies to defeat them with stealth or use the environment to take out enemies in strange and unusual ways.
Fancy conquering an encampment with a boulder? Roll it off a hillside and let it take them down like a set of ten pins. How about lighting your club or arrows on fire in the middle of the enemy campsite and launching it at your foe? Or letting a lightning storm take down those sword wielding baddies as you flee the scene? (Just remember to put anything metal you're carrying back in your inventory.)
Or you could even take the detached skull of your enemies head and punt it off a nearby cliff. Or train your horse so well, it'll defend you with kicks to the rear and will courageously charge a group of enemies and trample them down for you.
Finally, use the Magnesis power to catapult yourself into the air and paraglide down with an aerial strike. Those moblins will never even see it coming.