10 Iconic Video Game Weapons (That Actually Suck)

8. Blue Shell - Mario Kart

Halo Assault Rifle

Having appeared in every single game in the series since the release of Mario Kart 64 back in 1996, the Spiny Shell (aka. Blue Shell) is easily the most recognisable weapon item the Mario Kart universe has ever produced. Iconic and infamous, the Blue Shell is used mainly by players in the middle of the racing pack and locks onto the player in first place, hunting them down and triggering a huge explosion that will knock them out action for a couple of seconds.

Whilst the blast radius, knockout time and frequency at which they appear have all varied from release to release, the Blue Shell has, and always will, suck for one gameplay reason: it punishes those who are good at the game, and rewards those who aren't.

From Mario Kart 64 right up until the end of Mario Kart 7, Nintendo always made the point that there was nothing that could stop this nonsense from happening either. A couple mushroom-based glitches were discovered in certain games, but for the most part players were forced game after game to just sit back and take being absolutely destroyed by this iconic item.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.