10 Iconic Video Games With Hidden Messages You Totally Missed

6. Woods Is Alive - Call Of Duty: Black Ops

Batman Arkham city

Frank Woods proved to be a fan favourite after his appearance in Black Ops, but it seemed unlikely we’d be seeing more from him. He appears to be blown by a villainous henchman near the end of the game, and while we don’t technically see him die, the size of the explosion doesn’t put the odds in his favour.

Activision must have predicted his popularity, since they teased his survival in the game.

If Mason brings out of his interrogation chair in the main menu, he can access a computer terminal nearby. If he types in a specific code, the following message appears: “Woods is alive and remains the sole remaining American guest of the Hanoi Hilton. Thought you should know.”

Needless to say, Black Ops 2 reveals Woods survived after all. They even reveal how; during the struggle in the original game, it turns out his knife severed the grenade belt of the henchman, sending it flying away from them both at the last second. Not terribly believable, but we’ll take it.


Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.