10 Iconic Video Games With Hidden Messages You Totally Missed
5. Calendar Man's Message - Batman: Arkham City
While there had been a couple of good Batman games before it, Arkham Asylum blew everything else out of the water. Arkham City then took all that was great and expanded further, giving players a large slice of Gotham to play in.
One of the villains encountered is the fearsome Calendar Man, who is really, really good with dates. Players soon realised if they visit him on certain dates, he’ll impart rare pieces of info.
Rocksteady hid a message for players so thoroughly, that when nobody discovered it, they hinted towards it themselves, three years later.
If players set their console date to December 13th, 2004 – the day Rocksteady was founded – Calender Man will say a unique message alluding to the end of the series with Arkham Knight, stating he was there at the beginning will be there at the end.
Good to his word, if you scan the crowd for Arkham Knight’s final scene, Calendar Man can be spotted in the background.