10 Impactful Moments That Made Gamers Cry (With Joy)

10. The Halo 3 Reveal Trailer

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9Ezd2FqxAU Fans knew it was coming, but it didn't stop the reveal trailer for Halo 3 bringing down the house at E3 2006. A simple reveal in itself, Bungie teased the final entry in the franchise in an subtly epic way. Showing nothing more than a few shots of the Master Chief himself looking over a troop of Covenant ships while Cortana spouted some sinister dialogue, the trailer didn't need any bombastic action to get fans excited. As soon as the score began to swell you could just feel the emotion peaking in every fan across the planet. With the promise that the title would sincerely mark the end of the Chief's story for good (something gamers genuinely believed in 2006) this simple reveal was all fans needed to send their hype levels into overdrive.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3