10 Incredible Bosses In Terrible Video Games

8. Ninja Gaiden 3 - T-Rex

dark souls 2
Koei Tecmo

The first two rebooted Ninja Gaiden games are teeming with incredible boss fights. In fact, that could be a list alone. The third one, sadly, doesn't live up to the standard of the first two. Diminishing returns strikes again.

For one, it was made far too easy. Which sounds petty, but considering the reputation Ninja Gaiden had, it was a massive downgrade to make it easier. The same can be said for its bosses.

Except one: A body armour-wearing T-Rex.

It's such a cool fight because it seems so out of place. Not because of the fantastical element, Ninja Gaiden is no stranger to that. It's just because it's a friggin' body armour wearing T-rex.

It's not as hard as Alma from the first game, but there's still an edge of tactic in how to dismantle the armour before killing it.

What's more, it just looks like a really stylish fight, against all else. It may not have the try-and-try-again difficulty of its predecessors, but it does have the spirit and fun that the earlier games brought.

Even if it is an easier fight than expected.

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Dark Souls 2
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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.