10 Incredible Characters Wasted In Terrible Video Games

5. Bagley - Watch Dogs: Legion

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It might be cheating to include a character from a game whose cast consists almost entirely of interchangeable, algorithmically-generated silent protagonists, but that's what makes Bagley stand out.

Watch Dogs: Legion is one of those games that could have been so, so good. It was a solid proof of concept for the idea, in any case: the potential to recruit anyone you see to join hacktivist collective DeadSec. Unfortunately, the amount and variety of content when it came to these characters was drastically low, essentially consisting of a small number of different character archetypes with unique abilities. It didn't take long to see just about everything the game had to offer.

In a sense, self-aware AI Bagley is sort of a de facto protagonist. As the mission control of DeadSec, Bagley is always with you, providing objectives, hints and general chit-chat.

This character could have been obnoxious. Fortunately, he's well written and well cted enough to, ironically, be the only character in the game with any depth or personality. He's even the focal point of the game's most genuinely heartfelt mission.


At 34 years of age, I am both older and wiser than Splinter.