10 Incredible-Looking Video Game Bosses (That Sucked To Fight)

1. Tyreen The Destroyer - Borderlands 3

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The Destroyer from the first Borderlands is often considered among the worst final bosses in video game history.

In a way, this criticism worked out for the series, since it incentivised Gearbox not to make the same mistake for the sequel. Lo and behold, the developers went above and beyond to ensure Borderlands 2 had one of the greatest, funniest, charismatic, and entertaining antagonists of all time, Handsome Jack.

So, what did Gearbox do for the final boss of Borderlands 3? They made player face... another Destroyer! What's more bafflingly is this version, Tyreen is worse than the original Destroyer. Her attacks are so easy to dodge, the player shouldn't have any trouble defeating her whatsoever.

Not only is this an easy fight, it's bewilderingly short. (Two minutes tops.) Because of its brevity, most first-time players think this anticlimactic confrontation is merely the first phase of a much bigger battle.

But no. Once Tyreen's health bar is depleted, she's done for. Because Gearbox created the blueprint for a perfect antagonist, it doesn't make sense why they concluded Borderlands 3 with a recreation of the franchise's most hated boss.

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