10 Incredible Nintendo Switch Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

6. Okami HD

Okami HD

When a title has received multiple HD remasters over the course of several console cycles, you know there's got to be something special about it. Okami HD is every bit as special as you'd think, mixing a watercolor aesthetic with visuals influenced immensely by Japanese culture. The well-utilized cell-shaded graphics and stylistic art design makes the world so deep, and just a joy to explore.

The visuals and excellent presentation tie perfectly into a game that certainly shows its love for the Zelda series with combat that feels like the wolf sections of Twilight Princess (which coincidentally, came out the same year as Okami). It's exceptionally polished and replayable, which makes sense since it was made by Hideki Kamiya, the man responsible for Devil May Cry and Bayonetta.

Okami benefits tremendously from the rich history it borrows from. The source material is refreshingly unique, promoting a culture that is (mostly) underrepresented within the medium. If you somehow are still skeptical, just know you get to play as a DOG. To sweeten the pot, villagers will sometimes even call you a "good boy" and pet you. How do you not own it yet?!


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.