10 Incredible Nintendo Switch Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

5. The Banner Saga

Okami HD

A turn-based RPG with hand-drawn art and an intensely well-developed world? If that sounds up your street, The Banner Saga series may be your next favorite RPG. Led by former Bioware staff members, this series engrosses you in a universe that really works to make you care about each member of your caravan and the world they're in.

Take part in Fire Emblem-esque heartbreak as every battle could spell a potential end for one of your favorite personalities. It's a game that relies massively on your decisions, allowing the story to grow from the direction you've decided to take. Will it be a tale of how you and your crew fought against the odds to come out of the other side, or will it be a tragic story of many lives lost while escaping surrounding war? You decide.

This Kickstarted series finally released its third installment and is now available to play (along with its predecessors) in one excellent bundle. With over 48 playable characters and 40 different classes, there's plenty to discover. The tense, strategic combat keeps you engaged, the characters keep you invested, and the replay value keeps you from leaving after just one playthrough.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.