10 Incredible Nintendo Switch Games You Need To Stop Ignoring

4. Dead Cells

Okami HD
Motion Twin

Although it became infamous mainly for the IGN review scandal, Dead Cells is undeniably one of the games of the year. One of two Metroidvania titles on the list, DC prides itself on tough-but-fair combat that never lets you take too many relaxed breaths. This is a retro-inspired experience in every aspect, with a beautifully-pixelated style and campaign that gives you one life to lose.

The game utilizes a permadeath feature, ensuring you never let your guard down. Do not let this drive you away though, as there are certain permanent features (as well as pathways) that'll remain unlocked once earned. Thankfully, even if you're forced to the beginning time and again, the gameplay loop remains enjoyable thanks to polished combat and constant enemy encounters that are difficult, but never become too rage-inducing.

This Metroidvania utilizes its genre trappings quite well and is an endlessly replayable experience worthy of any Switch player. Just don't play in public too often, as the game's difficulty may bring out some fury in you that you'd rather people not see.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.