10 INCREDIBLE PS2 Games You Still Need To Play

8. Sly Cooper

soul reaver 2
Sucker Punch

The PlayStation 2 had no shortage of mascot platformers back in the day. With the likes of Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, Ape Escape and even Spongebob getting several titles for the system, fans of the genre were spoilt for choice.

The most quietly brilliant of the bunch though was the Sly Cooper games.

Featuring all the usual charm that accompanies a game about anthropomorphic animals, this series' unique selling point was its emphasis on stealth-based gameplay. Taking control of Sly and his roving gang of miscreants, each level is its own little heist. Along the way, you'll acquire all manner of new moves and skills that make the thievery a lot easier but also encourage backtracking to earlier levels to access previously unreachable areas.

Nowhere near as bum-clenchingly tense as something like Splinter Cell, the barrier to entry was low enough for younger players to dive in and have fun, but there are just enough challenges and hard-to-find secrets to appease the more hardcore amongst us.

As it currently stands, the Sly Cooper series is available in a remastered collection for the PlayStation 3 and Vita, but original PS2 copies aren't particularly hard to come by.

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PlayStation 2
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UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.