3. Call of Duty: Ghosts Gets Dedicated Servers On Xbox One
In another major coup for Microsoft, Call of Duty: Ghosts was announced to be using dedicated servers to host matches, rather than relying on players to serve as hosts. Infinity Ward's Mark Rubin noted that Ghosts on the Xbox One will "use Xbox Live Cloud hosting to provide dedicated servers for multiplayer matches, ensuring the best multiplayer experience will be on Xbox One." Though we can all pretty much get by acting as hosts ourselves - given that Internet connections are getting faster year by year - this choice by Microsoft should make for a far more streamlined experience. After all, who
hasn't sat in a lobby for three or four minutes before, waiting for a match to fill up or a host to be ready? Or worse still, a host to leave mid-game and the game then struggles to re-appoint a suitable host. Hopefully these instances will diminish entirely with dedicated servers, something that will certainly give it the edge over Sony as far as the CoD experience goes.