10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

3. That Dragon, Cancer

that dragon cancer
Numinous Games

What was surely one of the most harrowing and I have to imagine confusing games to put together from the creators' point of view, That Dragon, Cancer is the real life story of developers Ryan and Amy Green's young son, Joel, and his sad battle with the titular life-taking disease.

Already through subject matter alone, you'll know whether or not it's the sort of subject matter that's going to be too much for your tastes, but the way the Greens implemented their own experiences into the game is nothing short of brave in the purest sense.

Its graphics take on a deliberately dreamlike and artistic hue as a way of getting around the lack of voice acting, instead relying on basic animations that are often more effective overall, as you end up transporting yourself into the scene, 'going through the motions' as they once did.

A truly raw experience that had the fortitude to tackle one of humankind's most harrowing topics, That Dragon, Cancer is a testament to the power of interactive storytelling as a force for good.

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Gaming Editor

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