10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You



When we talk about 'emotions' in games, it tends to be negative, or more specifically, sequences that make you sad. For INSIDE, it'll stir up a number of primal emotions, culminating in one of the most raw and powerful sequences of all time - meaning that as the credits finally creep up the screen, you'll need a considerable amount of time to 'come down'.

Playing like a side-scrolling puzzle platformer, you're cast as a small boy infiltrating a series of industrial structures, the whole game playing like some sort of spiritual sequel to George Orwell's 1984. Come the close of the game - and I'll have to delve into spoilers for this - you'll eventually become part of a larger, sentient mass of congealed flesh, breaking forth from your prison and barrelling through the offices and rooms that you were once so innocently exploring.

It's this contrast, this sudden rush of pure power and destruction as you decimate office workers and authority figures, that gives the game its punch. Knowing the shift is coming won't distill its impact, and overall, INSIDE is an absolute masterpiece of game design underpinned by emotional resonance at every turn.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.