10 Incredibly Emotional Video Games That Will Totally Break You

4. Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

brothers a tale of two sons
Starbreeze Studios

A severe left-turn after the all-action delights of The Chronicles of Riddick, Starbreeze Studios released Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons as an unexpectedly brilliant little adventure.

It's pure Tolkien in its framing of a couple of villagers leaving their quaint little dwelling to journey out into the world in search of a cure for their father, yet the unique beats of the gameplay come from controlling the pair simultaneously. One analogue stick and a shoulder button each is all you'll get, which once you've overcome the mental acrobatics necessary to process both characters' movements at once, opens up a number of really innovative and memorable puzzles that are actually fun to solve.

Of course, there's an emotional throughline to the Brothers story, but it's all handled in such a fairytale fashion, the game can rise up to the heights of soaring through intertwining canyons on the back of a griffin, before seeing the characters embrace each other during a moment of pure peril.

If you're yet to experience Brothers for yourself, it's truly outstanding.

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