10 Incredibly Moving Scenes In Video Games Ruined By Player Input

8. Fallout 3 - Tedious Escape

Taken and Fallout 3 established that Liam Neeson is pretty much the coolest dad ever, disagree? You're wrong. So, after going through one of the most difficult games ever made to find your dad and then seeing him sacrifice himself is one of hell of a heart ripper-outer. That is until you have to escape. Yeah, an escape was necessary, I appreciate that, but did it have to involve escorting NPCs as well? We all hate escort quests, BioShock Infinite's the only game that did it well. As if escorting some NPCs wasn't bad enough, one of them won't shut up, bonus. The temptation to pull out a Fat Man and nuke these guys is overwhelming.

Lifelong wrestling fan and film buff who consumes far too much caffeine. Currently working on a comic book and learning how to cook the perfect fried egg. Both of which are an ongoing process.