10 Infamous Glitches That Break Classic Games

6. Clinger Winger 2-Player Glitch (Battletoads)

Battletoads is already a difficult game, a game made all the more difficult by a maddeningly twisted co-op mode which delighted in causing arguments and ruining friendships. Not only were both players€™ lives connected €“ meaning that if one player died, you both died €“ but there was also no option to disable friendly fire, so you€™d constantly kill each other by accident and have to start all over again. To make matters worse, there was glitch on the eleventh level of the game titled Clinger Winger which incapacitated the second player, freezing him in place and preventing either player from progressing until the second player had forfeited all of his lives. Considering the difficulty of the game, the Clinger Winger glitch was the equivalent of rubbing salt in someone€™s wounds; it was a huge oversight on the part of Rareware, and something they no doubt regret.

Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.