10 Infuriating Video Game Levels You Forgot You Hated

7. The First Race - Jak 3

Jak 3 race
Naughty Dog

Easily one of the greatest video game trilogies of all time, it doesn't get away from the fact that Jak 3 had some levels that were real stinkers, especially coming from the exemplary Jak 2: Renegade.

Chances are you'd heard quite a bit about how the racing in Jak 3 was going to be this revolutionary new way to get around - even the hulking great cars themselves looked extremely inviting - except when it came time for Jak to prove himself and actually win the first race of the game, some floaty sporadic physics and a tendency to spin you out at the last minute made for one whopper of a momentum-killer.

This first race then leads to a tiresome collection quest that sees you attempting to dart across the sand dunes as once again the physics model batters you more than the in-game weather effects, which when you throw in enemy raiders that side-swipe you at any opportunity means you're just as likely to let time expire whilst marooned on a particularly angular pebble than finish in time.

In short, it wasn't the best start to an otherwise fantastic final chapter, and there's a very good reason hardly anyone was appropriately psyched for Jak X: Combat Racing.

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