10 INSANE Game Plots You Won't Believe Exist

6. Okami

Silent Hill 4

Integrating themes and deities from Japanese folklore and mythology alongside a beautiful watercolour art style, Okami focuses heavily upon nature and how it has been corrupted by evil influences.

At the beginning of the game, this is linked to the re-emergence of Orochi, a serpentine monster sealed away by the mysterious white wolf, Shiranui, and the warrior, Nagi, one hundred years earlier. With the monster freed, the world has become shrouded in darkness and corruption.

The player must guide Amaterasu, the sun goddess, who takes the form of a white wolf with divine markings. Accompanied by Issun, a miniscule “wandering artist” Amaterasu is tasked with healing the land and facing the evil which has consumed it.

Similarly, to the Legend of Zelda series, exploration is the key here. This will allow players to discover side quests, find out more about various characters and gain useful tips and information about the dungeons which need to be explored.

Nippon is a vast location to be explored and the sheer beauty of it becomes clearer and clearer and cursed areas are lifted, allowing players to physically see the effects of their progress through both the plot and the scenery.

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I am a writer from the North East of England with a love of video games and horror in any media or format. I also enjoy reading sci fi and fantasy novels- the more emotionally crushing, the better!