10 Insane Gaming Facts That Will Blow Your Mind

1. Final Fantasy 7 Was Intended As A Nintendo 64 Exclusive

Before jumping into why, it€™s important to note that Sony€™s Playstation almost never was. Sony had partnered with Nintendo but opted out because the former wasn€™t too keen on transitioning from dated cartridges to CD€™s. This created a rift between the two mighty behemoths and left Square conflicted on where to take not just Final Fantasy 7, but the whole franchise.

Sony wasn€™t fibbing though; to create a game as large in scope €“ and in 3D as well €“ as Final Fantasy VII you needed more storage capacity. If Final Fantasy VII were released on the Nintendo 64 it would have come packaged across roughly 15 cartridges vs. the 3 discs the game fits on for PlayStation. This meant you'd probably need a licenced suitcase to carry it out the shop.

Nintendo is simply a stubborn corporation though; always has and always will be. Just look at their archaic internet infrastructure for failing consoles like the Wii U.

In the end discs became a new media storage standard, Final Fantasy saw the height of its popularity on the PlayStation, PlayStation was born, and Final Fantasy 7 is considered the greatest video game of all time by many. And if you refuse to understand why, well I€™m personally sorry, as you can€™t appreciate greatness.

Did I blow your mind or waste your time with stuff you already know? Pending on feedback I may tackle a sequel to this article. Comment below!

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I write for WhatCulture (duh) and MammothCinema. Born with Muscular Dystrophy Type 2; lover of film, games, wrestling, and TV.