10 Insane Video Game Endings That Totally Came Out Of Nowhere

8. The Witness

The Witness
Jonathan Blow

So this is technically more of a secret ending than anything else, but it's so outrageously meta that it more than deserves a spot on this list. While you can complete the unfathomably beautiful The Witness by finishing most of its puzzles, there's also a way that nets you a far more satisfying conclusion.

It's kind of convoluted to figure out how to trigger the ending, but the general gist is you have to find a hint in the challenge rooms that'll direct you back to the puzzle that unlocked the very first gate in the game. Though it's already "complete", the hint will show that there's an alternate answer you can input, which will fire a beam of light off the gate into the air. Align the light with the sun to unlock yet another puzzle, and once you've finished that, you'll open up a gateway out of the game itself.

Follow this, and eventually you'll end up leaving the code of the game, and entering the real world. What comes next is an FMV, all shot from the perspective of the game's designer, Jonathan Blow. This ending essentially puts you in the mind of the developer, as he goes about his daily routine, stretching, going to work, playing around with the figures on his desk, and completely shattering the fourth wall.

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Far Cry 5
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3