10 Insane Video Game Endings That Totally Came Out Of Nowhere

7. NBA 2K16

NBA 2K16, MyCareer, Spike Lee
2K Sports

In one of the strangest moves the gaming world has ever seen, 2K drafted writer-director (and all around legend) Spike Lee in to craft the story mode for NBA 2K16, in an attempt to deliver a cinematic narrative in a franchise that had mostly been home to rote stories.

Titled 'Livin' Da Dream', the Spike Lee joint cast you as Freq, a pretty terrible player who, through hard work, manages to climb the ranks of the NBA. However, it isn't all just glitz, glam and basketball, and there's a huge dramatic focus surrounding Freq's personal life, his terrible friends, the leeches who only take interest in him when he hits the big time, and the bigotry he faces.

The ingredients were there for a really special story, but the execution wasn't exactly flawless, and all this drama kind of resulted in a weird, tonally inconsistent hodgepodge of cutscenes.

Even worse, it has an ending that comes completely out of nowhere, and serves as a dour - if admittedly explosive - cap on the experience as a whole. Freq's childhood friend, Vic, is killed in an apparent suicide via an intentional car crash, and the title ends with his ghost making his way to an abandoned basketball court, and reading his goodbye note to the camera.

It's well acted, and the music gets the heartstrings going, but it's such a strange, surreal ending - even in a story mode as strange as this.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3