10 Insanely Confusing Video Games Levels You Got Totally Lost In

1. The Library - Halo

Microsoft Studios
Microsoft Studios

So revolutionary in so many ways for the FPS genre, even the great Halo was guilty of the occasional piece of level design that felt like a throwback to the 90s. Credit to the Library for being one of the creepier and more atmospheric levels in the game, but it was still a dark, confusing mess of vast chambers and corridors that were impossible to tell apart.

On top of that, you had to deal with what felt like endless waves of Flood enemies while trying to figure out where the hell you're supposed to go. This meant that playing the level (unless you somehow memorised it), would often entail hugging a wall until you found some way through while shooting hordes of enemies. Oh, and watch that flashlight battery, because without it you're screwed.

The toughness of the Library has made it something of a Badge of Honor in the Halo community, and earned it a solid rep as a fun co-op level. Get through the Library's combination of confusing layout, endless enemies and excessive length of Legendary difficulty, and you can consider yourself the most masterly of Master Chiefs.

Which video game levels left you lost and confused? Are you still stuck in them now? Do you need the emergency services to help get you out? Let us know with a comment!

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Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.