10 Insanely Difficult PS4 Trophies That Weren't Worth The Effort

1. Bloodborne - Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen

Bloodborne chalice dungeons

FromSoftware games are notoriously hard enough as it is, so it takes a new level of twisted to add more challenge to Bloodborne.

Yet someone did, and thus, we suffered through the Chalice Dungeons.

Whilst they may be optional, the lure of several unique rewards may be enticing to some completionists. But the novelty wears off once you start the first of several that need doing, each one getting progressively steeper in difficulty.

"Procedurally generated" means you'll start seeing the same labyrinthine areas ad nauseam, coupled with unfair modifiers along the way. Oh yes, nothing says "unfair challenge" like halving your health for an entire dungeon.

It's also crafty to have an intrinsically linked character to the story hidden away behind so much grind. The Pthumerian Queen could have been a standalone, optional boss in the main game, not one hidden behind a massive slog.

Instead, a repetitive gauntlet of rehashed bosses amid the same handful of corridors felt unnecessarily tacked on. Sure, they're alright for levelling up in, but we didn't need that many different Chalices to grind through.

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Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.