10 Insultingly Bad Video Game Movie Characters

3. The Prince Of Persia

Super Mario Goombas

Movies have a whitewashing issue. It's not a video game movie thing, it's an all of Hollywood thing. Whether it's the Gods of Egypt being pastier than white-out or comic book characters that originally are Asian being adapted as someone whose starring role was as the White Witch. It's an issue all of them struggle with.

So when adopting the Prince of Persia film, of course the film failed so hard it should've triggered another extinction event. Despite it being right there in the title, the creators couldn't quite get a grasp on exactly where the main character was from and so they decided to have Donnie Darko play -- again -- the literal Prince of Persia.

The sad part is the rest of his design isn't bad. If he were a cosplayer, he'd be doing all right. But as this is a movie, where the lead was paid millions, it's not just baffling, it's insulting.


Tara Giovannini hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.