10 Jaw-Dropping Video Game Success Stories You Need To Hear
7. Ridiculous Fishing
When you've got a recipe for one of the most quirkily brilliant titles to ever grace a screen, chances are you won't remain the sole owner for very long. Such was the case by which co-creators of Ridiculous (or Radical, if you go back far enough) Fishing Jan Willem Nijman and Rami Ismail (who make up company Vlambeer) went through to get their game recognised around the world.
Through a very long and protracted copyright dispute, their game whose core concept was shooting your catches out the sky for extra points, was wholeheartedly ripped off by Gamenauts' Ninja Fishing as the pair continued to work on it - NF being a very similar title that also shared the exact same concept. It's something you'll be well aware of if you've scoured any mobile app store, as there's a wealth of 'cloned' titles doing the rounds that like to piggyback off the success of one original idea - think something with a name like 'Modern Combat' or whatever.
They tend to have a leg to stand on because the disputes always centre around the very notion of 'patenting' a concept, bits of code or the general idea for a game, something that's very hard to pin down. In the end though, Vlambeer managed to emerge victorious thanks to just how similar the two were, and when RF finally hit stores, Nijman and Rami started raking in upwards of $10,000 every day, leading to $100,000 in the first month and as of 2013, a total of almost $1,000,000.