10 Jaw-Dropping Action Scenes That Defined Their Video Games

8. Dragon Rising - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Who among us hasn’t fantasized about dragons, or more specifically, slaying/taming them? There’s a primordial satisfaction with facing off against one of these mythological creatures, and up until Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, few games had ever translated this classical battle into a gratifying experience. And while Skyrim isn’t lacking in these confrontations, the very first just might be the most memorable.

In the opening hours of the game, you - along with several soldiers - are sent by the Jarl of Whiterun deal with the dragon Mirmulnir, who has been spotted just outside the gates of the city. You track it to a burning watchtower, and after a bit of suspenseful waiting, Mirmulnir appears in all his fire-spitting glory.

Through sword and bow and magic, you slay the beast, after which you absorb its soul and discover that you are the legendary Dragonborn come again.

It’s a simple set up, but that’s what makes it such a cool moment and a great action scene. The freedom and scope is simply awe-inspiring; no one had ever experienced anything quite like it at the time. Mirmulnir may not be the hardest dragon in the game; in fact it’s not even close, but being the first leaves a huge impression on the player.

If you weren’t quite feeling Skyrim up until this point, chances are you were after this battle.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.