10 Jaw-Dropping Action Scenes That Defined Their Video Games

3. Assault On Mt. Olympus - God Of War III

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All of the God of War games to date have come out swinging within their opening minutes, but God of War III opens with an action sequence so massive in scope that the others simply can’t compare. Picking up right after God of War II, the conclusion to Kratos’s quest for revenge begins with an all out assault on the gods themselves.

Epic may be an overused term, but this scene is the definition of the word. With the aid of the Titans, Kratos scales the sides of Mt. Olympus on the back of Gaia herself. The gods, specifically Poseidon, launch a counter attack. Using the Blades of Chaos you hack and slash a path of destruction until coming face to face with Poseidon in an explosive boss battle that culminates with his horrifically violent death.

The climbing of Mt. Olympus leaves such a huge impression that the rest of the game, as good as it is, never manages to reach its heights, no pun intended. The unique verticality of the level design, relentlessly bloody action, and gorgeous graphics work together to create an action scene that remains just as effective as it was six years ago.

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Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.