10 Last Gen Games That Absolutely Must Come To Nintendo Switch

8. Assassin's Creed: Ezio Trilogy

Switch GTA

Assassin's Creed will debut on the Nintendo Switch with a remaster of AC III in May 2019. While that game is criminally underrated, it's the older Ezio Trilogy that fans have been clamouring for since it launched on PS4 and Xbox One.

The Ezio Trilogy, while a rather old collection of games at this point, is still something of a seminal point in both gaming and the Assassin's Creed series. Beginning with Assassin's Creed II, the story of Ezio is arguably the best work Ubisoft has ever done in regards to telling a story, growing a likeable character, and making you feel like an important part of history. The follow-up games, Brotherhood and Revelations, were great sequels that continued the story and added fun elements to the gameplay, like tower defence.

Suffice to say, the Ezio Trilogy is a great collection of video games and it would make perfect sense on the Switch. What doesn't really make sense, is why Ubisoft chose to release Assassin's Creed III first. That title releases on the Switch in May, while the Ezio Trilogy has yet to be officially announced. Emphasis on "officially", because the game has been listed by various retailers as coming to the Switch as some point. It's just a shame Ubisoft couldn't get their hooded ducks in a row.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.