10 Laziest Super Mario Boss Fights Of All Time

5. Reznor - New Super Mario Bros. 2

Super Mario Bros.

Reznor first appeared as a Fortress boss in Super Mario World. To defeat the four fire-breathing triceratopses, you need to hit the platforms the beasts are residing on from below. This is a little tricky since the platforms keep rotating. After you defeat two Reznors, the bridge you're standing out breaks away, forcing you to jump on the spinning platforms to beat the the remaining two.

Considering Reznor is the first boss, the battle is pretty simple. But when the Rhino Dino was reused for New Super Mario Bros. 2, the difficulty was made insultingly easy. You have to face these critters six times throughout the game, with each encounter getting progressively harder. Despite the mild difficulty curve, the strategy is the same; strike the dinos' platforms from below to knock them off.

The laziest battle has to be the first run-in since you only face two Reznors instead of four. Just to make it easier, their platforms move at a snail's pace and the bridge breaks apart slower than in the original fight. This fight is so effortless, it's possible to defeat this mid-boss in two seconds. The only thing lazier than reusing bosses is to reuse bosses that aren't challenging.


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