10 Laziest Super Mario Boss Fights Of All Time

3. Boom-Boom - Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros.

In Super Mario Bros. 3, each World has a Fortress that will unlock a section of the map once it is completed. To complete a Fortress, the player must defeat its guardian, Boom-Boom. To beat him, you need to jump on his head three times while he dashes around the room. It's a pretty standard fight and you won't think much of him upon your first encounter.

But then in the next Fortress, you have to fight him again. And again. And again. Throughout Super Mario Bros. 3, you have to fight this guy, not once, not twice, but 17 times!!! It doesn't matter if this was the greatest boss fight ever (which it isn't) because you're gonna be sick and tired of seeing this bugger by the time the credits roll. Obviously, you don't have to conquer every Fortress to complete the game but you're probably going to face this chap at least ten times.

In some encounters, Boom-Boom gives the fight a bit of variety by sprouting wings and flying around the room. However, if you stomp his noggin three times quickly, he won't get a chance to attack, making his new tactic redundant.


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