10 Least Intimidating Video Game Bosses (Who Kicked Your Ass)

6. Tales Of Vesperia - Gattuso

Undertale game
Bandai Namco

Tales of Vesperia boasts an incredible combat system that requires dexterity and precision with its controls. At least, it does after around ten hours of gameplay.

Gattuso is one of the earlier bosses in your adventure and pushes your limited combat range to its limits.

You see, Tales of Vesperia slowly drip feeds it’s battle system to you and an extremely slow pace. Excruciatingly slow at points. Bosses up until this point have been challenging, but fairly doable. Gattuso, a giant wolf, is truly demanding testament of skill.

On the surface, he seems fairly mundane. You’ve fought far more extravagant enemies up until this point and surely a simple wolf isn’t going to halt your progress.

Well, it is. Gattuso is a deadly battle that can easily wipe out your party in seconds with his quick speed attacks and hard hitting damage. He also has his tribe of minions accompanying him, making the battle extremely more difficult than it already is.

Luckily, the game gives you a break after this point. But Gattuso, man. What a big, bad wolf!

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Freelance games journalist who will fight anyone who questions to majesty of Bioshock... or any of the SpongeBob games.