10 Legendary Nintendo Characters We're All Sick To Death Of

6. All Of The Miis

Miis aren't legendary in the sense that they're among the best Nintendo characters, but they are still major additions to what made Nintendo stand out during the last console war with the Wii. Using Miis as personalised characters to accompany almost every Wii lifestyle game was marketing genius, as it opened up the doors for a casual gaming market that revitalised Nintendo's brand image and profits...for a while. The problem came when we got embarrassingly tired of seeing these odd, misshapen characters every time we powered up our Nintendos. This became even more excruciatingly painful when Nintendo got it in their heads to just start making fully-fledged games that were completely Mii-centric, down to the game's box art. At this point, seeing any game that features Mii gameplay is enough for me to determine it as code for "don't play this shoddy, pandering mess of a game that probably got a score of 5 on GameInformer." If Nintendo was smart, they would have rebranded the Miis' image and likeness in order to convince people that buying the Wii U was actually worth their time. Instead, they basically did nothing except make Miis just as ubiquitous on the Nintendo DS.
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Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com