10 Legendary Nintendo Characters We're All Sick To Death Of
5. Pikachu
We probably would have gotten less annoyed at Pikachu over the years if game makers hadn't decided that "Pikachu" was the only phrase he's capable of uttering, leaving you readers to now have that dreaded phrase ringing in your ears right about now. I don't mind the fact that Pokemon settled on Pikachu for its mascot. From a business perspective, Pikachu is still the most recognisable Pokemon in the world, making him the ideal choice for remaining a crucial aspect of the Pokemon series, as far as gaming goes. The problem, however, is that they won't let the character make a decent exit from the TV series. I know we're just talking about games here, but many young and even old fans of Pokemon still tune into the concurrent show, despite its lack of anything resembling quality. On the show, Pikachu is still trudging along as the sidekick to the world's most immortal 10 year old. That said, it's time for Nintendo to find a new Pokemon to push as one of its mascots from the slew of somewhat-cool characters that are churned out with each new release.
Jon is the author of the Pixar Theory, the narrative that combines all of the Pixar movies in one timeline. You can read more about his random nonsense on jonnegroni.com