10 Lessons The Gaming Industry Must Learn From #GamerGate

1. #GamerGate Has Already Won And Is Winning Still

The amount of awareness generated regarding the credibility of mainstream gaming journalism and encouragement for independent journalists to arise is enough to call #GamerGate a success. Independent, diverse blogs and websites are emerging and being brought to light such as vidya.moe (still under construction) and gatheryourparty.com, each aiming to report about videogames while maintaining journalistic integrity. The Escapist published an apology along with a policy change on the 8th of September, stating €œOur editor-in-chief, Greg Tito, having reviewed the facts at hand, concluded we ourselves have been imperfect in maintaining journalistic standards.€ This turn of events further encouraged the #GamerGate campaign to continue, and The Escapist deserve to be commended for their self-reflection. Polygon has also lost an advertiser as #GamerGate advocates emailed them with their concerns. The most important thing to remember from all this is that gaming journalists need gamers, but gamers certainly don€™t need them.

A creative and professional writing student with a passion for quality games.