10 Lost Cities The Uncharted Film Could Explore

8. Biringan City

Nathan Drake Paititi

Now we start to get into more traditional "adventure" territory.

Biringan, also known as "The Black City", is purportedly situated somewhere in the untamed jungles of the Philippines. This local is rife with towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, and thick jungles, perfect for an Uncharted adventure. But we're here for Biringan. So... what is it?

According to legend, Biringan is a hidden city, said to be populated by supernatural shapeshifting beings that can take human form. This actually works for Uncharted, as the first three games featured some sort of supernatural (or supernatural-seeming) creature for Drake and company to contend with upon reaching their destination.

Throughout history, some people have claimed to see the city. On moonless nights, seafarers have told tales of a "dazzling city of light", describing it as a place of brilliant opulence, complete with high-rise buildings and advanced technology. If the local folk stories are to be believed, those who have gazed upon it were all subsequently possessed by demons.

Shapeshifting ghosts? Demonic possessions? Towering buildings? Dense, impenetrable jungles? That's a recipe for a great Uncharted story, if there ever was one.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.