10 Magical Items In Dungeons And Dragons That Every Party Should Have

7. Ring Of Three Wishes

Pendant DND
Wizards Of The Coast

As mentioned in the previous example, wish spells are hard to come by. If you can get your hands on one of these, then think yourself lucky, but also as a side note, remember to be cautious as Wish is one of the most powerful spells a mortal can cast in the world of Dungeons and Dragons.

By speaking out load your desire, you can warp and shape reality to your whim. Common examples of what can be achieved by this spell include creating an object out of nothing, healing a number of beings, granting people resistance to effects, and undoing a recent event. However, depending on your Dungeon Master, you might well be able to ask for anything!

There are repercussions to this spell though, as casting this exhausts the character. After casting if you do not take a long rest, you will take 1D10 necrotic damage every time you cast a spell. That is 1D10 damage for each level of that spell by the way, which means it can really stack up fast. Your strength will also drop and you will be forced to recover over a number of days.

Yet there is also another consequence that could happen. Just like wishing on a monkey paw, your wishes may have unforeseen circumstances. Wishing for the main villain to die may catapult you into an alternative timeline where the world is in a much worst place. Something as simple as reviving a friend may cause them to turn into something more sinister. Again this all depends on your DM, so don't go thinking you've got a get out of jail free card if you get your hands on this.

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