10 Magical Items In Dungeons And Dragons That Every Party Should Have

5. Ring of Regeneration

Pendant DND
Wizards Of The Coast

The ring of regeneration is a great little item that any class or character can make use of. While wearing the ring, you regain 1D6 hit points every 10 minutes, provided that you have at least one hit point. While this ring wouldn’t save you in combat (A round lasts only six seconds after all), it would make dungeon-delving a lot easier. Having this ring equipped means that realistically you wouldn’t even need to take a short rest to gain your health, even taking a 10-minute rest is nearly as effective as a level one cure wounds spell. This could save a character in many different situations.

However, there is another use for this ring. When it is worn by a character for a certain number of days, it can actually regrow a body part. While in D&D this may be a rare event, a lot of DMs have homebrew rules for this happening. It can range from potentially losing a limb from a critical hit landing on you, to your character losing one from being knocked unconscious, either way, you probably would like to get it back. While it’s unrealistic for your whole party to get a hold of this item, putting it on the party tank could help them a lot.

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