10 Magical Items In Dungeons And Dragons That Every Party Should Have

3. Portable Hole

Pendant DND
Wizards Of The Coast

Your party may not realize what they’ve got their hands on when they first discover this item. A piece of cloth folded like a handkerchief isn’t going to raise any eyebrows, that is until you discover its true potential. When this is folded out and put against a surface, it creates a hole to an extradimensional space that you can then pass through to access the area on the other side of this surface. Who needs lockpicks and invisibility when you can walk through the back of the bank vault?

Another use for the portable hole is as a makeshift prison. When you close the hole with a being inside, they are trapped in there, a strength check of 10 is needed to escape. There is a downside to this use though, there is no oxygen in this dimension, you better not leave them in there for too long.

The portable hole is ripe for so many creative uses. Be careful when using it near a bag of holding though, it can have some rather disastrous consequences, in fact stay tuned for that as I'm going to cover it in another entry.

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