10 Marvel Heroes For The New Mystery Game

8. Black Widow

Daredevil 2020

Listen, the intention here isn't to pigeonhole Amy Hennig as "the person who made Uncharted." She's got a long career that includes games like Blood Omen, Soul Reaver, Jak 3, and the upcoming Forspoken. She's been in the business since 1989. Still, her most prominent work is Uncharted. She was the creative director and writer for the first three games in the franchise, so Uncharted will be a common denominator in these entries.

With that said, wouldn't Black Widow basically be Uncharted with espionage instead of lost cities? It wouldn't be a radical departure from Hennig's wheelhouse. The heavy, emotional character work, the gunplay, the weapon variety, the stealth, the globe-trotting adventures, the worldwide stakes, etc. All of that is exactly what Amy Hennig did so well in the Uncharted franchise.

Of course, the approach would change. This would - as previously mentioned - be a spy game, as opposed to an out-and-out swashbuckling archaeological adventure, but it'd be a spy game operating within the confines of the Marvel Universe. There are no real constraints, so Hennig could get weird. Plus, both franchises lend themselves to those big, cinematic action set pieces.

Give us Natasha, Yelena, the Winter Soldier, Hawkeye, and Red Guardian. That is all.

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.