10 Marvel Heroes For The New Mystery Game

7. Black Panther

Daredevil 2020
Marvel Comics/Brian Stelfreeze

The fact that we haven't gotten an open-world Black Panther game defies belief. More than Asgard, more than Atlantis, more than Xandar, and more than Latveria, Wakanda is the Marvel locale most deserving of a video game adaptation. Granted, the Uncharted games didn't really incorporate the open-world format, but Jak 3 did, and Hennig was the game director there. If she's looking to broaden her creative horizons beyond the Uncharted format, open-world seems like a logical - and immensely rewarding - next step.

Wakanda is ripe for exploration. It's got a unique history that's rooted in our world, yet it's fantastical and wondrous. Map-wise, you've got a wide variety of regions and distinct places; you've got the Techno Organic Jungle, the capital city of Birnin Zana, the Great Mound, the Necropolis, and so forth. Then, of course, there's the rich sociopolitical and cultural tapestry, with a variety of religious groups spread across the nation. Wakanda is also lousy with great villains, including Killmonger, Klaw, Tetu, Zenzi, Achebe, Namor, M'Baku, and White Wolf.

If this narrative and this world were anchored by a well-written T'Challa and an engaging supporting cast, we could feasibly be looking at a sprawling epic, complete with civil unrest and political intrigue. So... what's the holdup?

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Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.