10 Massively Hyped Video Games That Actually Look Pretty Awful

3. Dead Island: Riptide

Dead-IslandRelease Date: April 26th 2013 (EU) When Dead Island came out a few years back, it was about as well-received as a cricket bat to the shins. This is why it was incredibly strange to hear news of a second instalment hitting our shelves later this year and, the even stranger news that people were actually excited about it?! But, it€™s the old saying that sex and violence sell as the UK special edition of Riptide is a busty woman€™s torso covered in blood. I€™m not goanna lie; it€™s a conversation starter, especially if you invite one of the feminist who have been bashing the hell out of it. Come on, it€™s not degrading to women, it€™s just a torso, if it was a ripped guys six-packed torso no one would bat an eyelid. Calm down darling. Moving on, what we€™ve seen so far it very reminiscent of the first game including the arcade style which, I was never a fan of. Also, the art style seems to have remained the same and even though I am an avid believer that graphics don€™t necessarily create a great game; Dead Island has always looked pretty terrible. So much so, that it detracts from the experience. The glaring issue with Riptide is the plot. For those who were smart enough not to play and or research the first, the characters escape the island and end up on a military ship. A storm suddenly hits and for some ridiculous, ludicrous, senseless reason; the virus spreads throughout the crew and it starts all over again€. Ahhhh, I hear you cry; this time we have the added tension of the tide drowning you and the island. That€™s an interesting twist isn€™t it? Well no; my knowledge (and I may be wrong) is the tides aren€™t in real-time, meaning for the waves to start washing over the island, you have to complete missions. This means total control of the sea is in your hands like your bloody Triton, throwing away the tension like sourer milk.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.