10 Massively Misleading Trailers NOTHING Like The Final Game

9. Cyberpunk 2077

cyberpunk 2077 johnny
CD Projekt Red

There’s a whole pile of games that fall into the No Man’s Sky club of wildly overhyped video games that have no chance of delivering on their promises, but Cyberpunk 2077’s marketing to release transition rubbed too many gamers the wrong way to not include it here.

We were sitting on our hands for years waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 to come out, and for many of us the trailer had us at the neon-bathed locations teeming with life and quests, super tense encounters, and epic story beats. Of course, this is the problem with cinematic trailers where the pacing is tailored in a totally different way to the actual game. Though the biggest problem is exemplified by thisbarb’s comment on the official trailer which says “Wait a minute. Did I buy the wrong game?!”

In the lead up to its release the question of what the game even was and how it played circulated a lot and was never comprehensively answered.

Upon release the game was riddled with bugs, in dire need of a patch or three, and in such a bad state on last generation consoles that it had to be removed from the PS4 store front. On top of that, a lot of players reported that the world didn’t feel alive at all, missions felt grindy, and some touted features like the flow-on impact of your lifepath, story-altering player choices, and drone usage outside of specific missions just didn’t seem to happen at all.

Unfortunately, eight years of hype is pretty hard to live up to even if you’ve got a solid game, and while plenty of people enjoyed Cyberpunk 2077, plenty more felt super let down.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.