10 Massively Misleading Trailers NOTHING Like The Final Game

8. Doki Doki Literature Club

doki doki literature club
Team Salvato

You’re either the kind of person who’s into dating sims or wouldn’t touch one with a ten-foot pole. Now, I don’t judge you either way but I reckon anybody who watched the trailer for Doki Doki Literature Club and thought “that’s the game for me” did not end up enjoying it.

Personally, I think this game is masterful though there is a lot of front loaded actual dating-game mechanics to get through at the start which is a bit of a slog for those of us who don’t like dating sims.

That said, when things switch up they seriously switch up and you either know exactly what I’m talking about or you haven’t played the game yet and I’m not going to spoil it for you. Let’s just say things get horrendously dark to the point where you’ll want to throw on an old favourite sitcom when you’re done to wind down and get yourself some brain bleach.

The only thing in the trailer that’s representative of the game as a whole is the first line that reads “This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed.”

The trailer also features a lot of the characters in the game and some of the early game activities and chats you’ll engage in with them but that’s where the similarities stop. This is a trailer that’s intentionally misleading and for that we applaud it and happily pop it on our list.

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Likes: Collecting maiamais, stanning Makoto, dual-weilding, using sniper rifles on PC, speccing into persuasion and lockpicking. Dislikes: Escort missions.